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Well as you may have noticed testjal has undergone a transformation...
I have created a brand new homepage... something more attractive.

The future of testjal is also looking down a new barrel ... this barrel will not have gun powder filled shells in it, but apples.
I have decided to move testjal forward... to set up a graphics information board.

the new style looks almost identical to the demo I provided earlier. I added an affiliates program for closer friends, and sites that work with me. If you feel the need to affiliate... please contact me.

by Jalokim - Comments: 5 - Views: 688
I have created 3 new forums ... I bet you have seen them ...
or not... cos they are locked to members with less than 30 posts.

I have done this purposely to stop leechers from stealing tutorials found on the forum. I will have a few tuts of my own along with tuts from you guys.

If you can't wait till 30 posts I have a super secret way for you to see the content. Pm me a nice tutorial that you created. Only original tutorials , only made by you will qualify for the forum.
If you can provide me with a interesting tutorial, I'll brush it up if needed and I'll...

by Jalokim - Comments: 27 - Views: 974
TestjalCSS's theme is 90% complete.

I completed most IE fixes today.
It was a long battle, and very surprising. But designers will know exactly what i mean, especially when it comes to IE fixes.

I learnt something new today...
for IE ... margin-bottom , is in fact margin-top ... oooh yes.
when I set a margin bottom it moved the content up towards the margined down div. so i figured I'll change to margin-top... and guess what it went the correct way.
??? I had to do the rest via mirror images
the nav bar was positioned at 120px margin top ... for IE...

by Jalokim - Comments: 22 - Views: 915
Forumotion has given out a new update to our forums.
My test site has removed the improvised thanks button and replaced it with the original.
The points and reputation system has been installed on this forum for testing purposes.

I believe the update has finally become ironed out, only a few matters remain.
Though my time is limited, I shall try to help with any theme problems that may have aroused.

thank you for your support

by Jalokim - Comments: 0 - Views: 629
Are you looking for a customized theme for your forum?
Do you want something that no one else can have and it is copyright, if you do then you should visit Jalokim's new theme website, here, for a fee, you can request a theme for your forum and it will be made by a graphics designer with years of experiance!

Click HERE for Premium themes

Thanks for you time,
Jalcss Staff

by Tilum - Comments: 3 - Views: 934
Welcome fellow subscribers and fans of jalokim graphics.
I have just installed the praise feature on this forum. Feel free to use the system when you feel a thread deserves some praise.

P.S. this is a special thread for merlinz so he can see a new post icon Razz

by Jalokim - Comments: 6 - Views: 665
In my revitalization of premiumstyles program. I have created a new premium theme.
It is currently being modified on this test forum. As soon as it'll be complete I shall provide screenshots to document this theme.

The price is negotiable , but I'm starting at 30$
If you have any fish freak friends thankfully fling them to focus faithfully for a forty five minute fare. <- that's an alliteration kids. Hope you catch the drift.Razz

by Jalokim - Comments: 1 - Views: 724

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