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Adobe Photoshop Now Available for Android C31c610cAdobe Systems has released a version of Mobile for Android OS. This is a huge addition for the Google’s OS powered SmartPhones. It will enable users do some basic image-editing tools and photo-sharing capabilities.

This app lets users crop, rotate and flip this images. The Soft Focus filter can be used to create a subtle blur effect, and for performing color adjustments such as exposure, saturation, tint changes, and classic black-and-white.

the entire article

After making edits on their Android device, users can upload them directly to their account to view and retrieve at a later time from any Internet-connected computer. This free account provides 2 GB of online photo storage, which equates to over 1,500 photos.

PhotoShop is the most widely used photo editing application in personal computers.


Success of any OS or Tool depends on the applications built over it. Huge number of iPhone apps had huge role in making it the leader of SmartPhones, and Google knows the importance of apps for the success of its OS. Adobe launching Photoshop for Android means a lot for the grooming Mobile OS, as it is sure to pull in many other companies follow suit.

Info Found Here

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Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:44 am by Beatle

Theres also PS mobile for iphone.


Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:36 am by Jalokim

@BEATLE read a couple blog posts down. its been mentioned.

But wait... this PS mobile...
it just, edits images right? I mean you can change it to sepia, B&W , crop the image ,resize it and stuff like that?

hmmm ... now not to be the bringer of bad news, but nokia's have had that as default since the 5500 or whats it called...
a couple years back.

I even have it on my 5800, its called edit, and its in the menu of every image.

I thought these mobile PS's did something extra, like apply brushes or fonts (there is a text editor in nokia)

i've got my nokia open...
here are the tools:
brightness level
contrast level
sharpness and blurring
add caption
add clipart
add text
posterize (vectorize)
add frame
remove red eye
negative and color edits.

what options does the ps mobiel have?


Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:19 pm by Beatle

PS mobile on the iphone is a bit less compatible. But it's alright cause its free.

It has certain tools like:
Some rainbow effect

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