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Google Chrome OS is almost here Fd5c43a5Well there has been a recent influx of chrome OS messages all over the net.

Google Chrome OS, or Chromium was supposed to be launched today! I don't know why it didn't sources are giving different reasons.

But instead of a new OS, there is a load more info about google OS.

Obviously I had to get the low down... So listen up.

Google have decided to take a totally new look on operating systems. They figured out that our current generation spend a load of time on the net.

I can confirm and my online time is seriously unhealthy. But with my job description its a must.

Any how. Google said, ok so the browser is the most important asset of a PC nowadays. Its need to boot fast and get online asap.
Take a good PC to boot in 45 seconds. and it take a load more time to get all the startup programs open and to initiate an internet connection on PC's.

Googles answer. Scrap booting and loading start up programs. The first thing that must be loaded is the chrome browser ... full stop!
So while Pc's load their boot, start up the system, and loads all its programs , and loads its libraries and so forth, google loads a jam packed browser that is ready and connected in 15 seconds.

So what google has actually done is made a super power version of google chrome. Its a browser that you can install games on, play music , films, install applications and so forth.

I can already see the pros and cons... for an everyday , average joe this is super... cos all he really does is check mail and read news and occasionally play music or games.

Unfortunately for high end developers this will be a brick rather than building block.

I am actually looking forward to chrome OS.
Its not windows... its tabs. everything will happen in tabs!
If you use google chrome (just like I have been for the passed 2 months now) [I have to admit , it lacks a lot but makes up with speeeeeeed!]

if you have used google chrome you will know exactly what the tabs look like... now image your entire system in tabs.

Google Chrome OS is almost here Chrome_splash
Unbelievable? no I say easily accessible!
Image courtousy of lifehacker.

google chrome news also posted this video on youtube today. Explains the above in a few drawings.

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Last edited by Jalokim on Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:34 am; edited 2 times in total


Post Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:16 am by Jalokim

btw, chromium OS... is scheduled for next week


Post Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:25 am by Jason

On the video it says 1990 a LONG time ago feels like last week to me! He trying to say i am getting old. Sad

I need my programs! Or do I? Why cant I load DW or Photoshop online“ cloud computing” Microsoft been talking about the cloud forever now its an excellent idea if you ignore the potential data lose and security risks.

Even if it doesn’t include a cloud ( no idea if it does or doesn’t ) the average Joe will love it why do they need those extra capabilities its just a load they don’t need I can see the low end computer market being flooded by Google OS.

Wonder if the EU will clamp down on Google bundling its browser in its operating system ( joke )


Post Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:11 pm by karkooshy

I'm not a google chrome fan...
and I don't believe your nets speed has got anything to do with the web-browser u'r using...
infact; if u think of it that way; my IE is faster than my FF LOL!
but yeah...
now that u mention it;
when is the version for mac coming out?


LH Justin

Post Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:16 pm by LH Justin

Looks interesting, but I need my computer for other things, not just the Internet.


Post Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:47 am by Sanket

So while Pc's load their boot, start up the system, and loads all its programs , and loads its libraries and so forth, google loads a jam packed browser that is ready and connected in 15 seconds.

Thats something to look forward to. LOL!


Post Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:59 am by MrMario

Only Problem that I would ask it what happens if your computer can't connect to the internet? I mean you will be in big trouble and can't do anything so you are like ummm screwed. If MS makes a new OS I sure will be going to Google OS. Another question how much will it be if you do have to pay.

LH Justin

Post Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:03 am by LH Justin

Sanket wrote:
So while Pc's load their boot, start up the system, and loads all its programs , and loads its libraries and so forth, google loads a jam packed browser that is ready and connected in 15 seconds.

Thats something to look forward to. LOL!
Yeah, but what about all those useful programs?


Post Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:53 pm by Jalokim

google OS is linux based, so though it is internet orientated, for the standard internet user, it will have all the competencies of a normal PC.

As you can see in the screenshot you can launch MS word , excel and you can certainly play games on it.
Since its linux based, the software will be free!

I plan to run the OS in a virtual machine!

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