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Twitter + N900 + LEGO = Niko Nokia_10Niko, the worlds first twitter and N900 controlled LEGO mindstorms NXT robot. Wow what a mouthful. Check out what it can do.

The fellows at Nokia PUSH labs have finally showcased their project. Niko is robot built out of LEGO blocks using Mindstorms technology, controlled by an N900.

Twitter + N900 + LEGO = Niko Niko_push_n900_mod_robot-540x334

Niko responds to "simple" commands such as moving forward, turning or reversing. I say simple in quotation marks because I can't even imagine the lines of code behind him actually moving via a command from twitters API, going through the Maemo processing to the working components of the actual robot.

Niko also has sensors that help him recognize his surroundings, and it has an ability to capture pictures with the N900's 5mpx camera. These picks are all uploaded to Niko's flickr account for all to see.

But the fun doesn't stop there.
You can follow N900Niko and control him for yourself!

You just mention @N900niko and send him a command prompt and he'll respond. Here is a list of commands you can try out on Niko. Later check the flickr account for your input.


How can this benefit us in future?

I imagine it as a nanny bot or helper bot at our homes. We forget to turn of the iron, or we left the stove on ... just tweet your home robot to turn the appliances off.
Cool right?

what are your thoughts?
How would you use a mini robot controlled by prompts from twitter?


Post Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:54 pm by GhostDark

Wonderful, of true beauty.


Post Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:56 pm by Josh

Wow, thats really cool. Defiantly a potential step foward from the iPhone app that can turn your house lights off/on.


Post Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:49 pm by kewlkreator

Someone turned him off... Sad


Post Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:03 pm by MrMario

I wanted to buy one of these lego robots a few years ago because it was so cool. Got to help teach a class that was working on this and saw many kinds think of some cool idea. Just thinking of what this means is going to be amazing. Just as the post said turn on oven, turn off light or on.

Thanks for the post it was an enjoyable read.


Post Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:13 pm by karkooshy

yet another reason to go for twitter xD
although the iPhone light app is more useful... >.<
I mean u can't do anything with this thing except look and marvel at it LOL!
still the Twitter/logo idea is very original Smile
and it could be improved to be of some use, Niko is just a first step Big Grin

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