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From the homepage    2poxxz5
This is the first part of a series of quick beginner walkthroughs in the lovely world of template editing. Get a comfy pillow and prepare to learn.

Before we begin, I'll try to make this walkthrough as simple as possible and use some easy to understand examples.
BUT ... all this information will be useless if you do not know anything about HTML or CSS.
HTML and CSS is easy to learn and understand... and as webmasters...

by Jalokim - Comments: 6 - Views: 7049

Topics [50]

From the homepage    4The innovation is touching its limits in Social Media space. Web Analytics guru and prominent blogger Manoj Jasra launches iPhone app that brings latest posts from his blog Web Analytics World, videos from YouTube Channel and Tweets all in one place on your iPhone.

Thanks to the team over at MotherApp, Web Analytics World is now available as an app on the iPhone store, Manoj says in his blog....

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 883
From the homepage    IE-BugsRecent reports from McAfee’s disclosure of an IE 0-day vulnerability this week clearifies the main reasons behind the hack and stealing of data from Google, Adobe and about 3 dozen other major companies.
Following the warnings, the German government issued a public statement in which it has advised public to switch to alternative browsers other than IE for accessing the internet.

The statement (untranslated...

by MrMario - Comments: 13 - Views: 869
From the homepage    Chrome_shiny_logo_270x267Google Chrome is advancing quickly. Its climbing up the browsers market in a very quick pace. Google Chrome used to be a quick and simple web browser, but now google are focusing on improving the visual side of the browser with installable themes and extensions.

There is a large variety of extensions already available... some of the hits from firefox are already created and can be used on Chrome. Extensions like mouse gestures,...

by Jalokim - Comments: 6 - Views: 1488
From the homepage    ImageThe cybersea is full of freelancers all out to make their mark and their money to keep their freelance fires burning. With an abundance of opportunity pouring in to the market, getting yourself out there and making sure you are heard and seen will help you sway those opportunities more your way. But with so many others striving to do that same thing, how is it you can rise above the multitudes to still be singled...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 747
From the homepage    3f87b13cAs you may (or may not) know, Fantasai is an Invited Expert on the CSS Working Group at W3C. Mostly he talks about specs. But today, he going to talk about testing.

W3C is working on test suites for the CSS specs, and Fantasai wanted us to have more web authors involved. Many of you have been frustrated with the inconsistent levels of CSS support across browsers, and I believe collaborative testing is one of the major ways we can improve the...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 789
From the homepage    Chrome_shiny_logo_270x267Recent report from Web Metrics confirm that Google’s Chrome has taken the third position as the most popular browser, leaving Apple’s Safari behind. This is an impressive success for Google with its 16 month time period in the market.

Chrome’s simplicity and speed have become the key point of attraction for many users to switch to Chrome. Further, Chrome’s launch was marketed with high focus on stability...

by MrMario - Comments: 12 - Views: 1015
From the homepage    Firefox_3.5_logoMozilla won't make a 2009 deadline for releasing Firefox 3.6 and is giving itself more time to complete a major update, version 4.0.

The organization behind the open-source Web browser had predicted a final release of Firefox 3.6 in December 2009, but the Mozilla Web site now includes "ship Firefox 3.6" as a goal for the first quarter of 2010.
In addition, Firefox 4.0, which had been due in 2010,...

by MrMario - Comments: 1 - Views: 935
From the homepage    Quark_logoQuark and other similar design programs are infamous for having a very tough learning curve, making it extremely difficult for amateurs to pick them up and make anything of quality. The company is looking to make layout and design more accessible for the general public with the introduction of Quark Promote. The goal of Quark Promote is to allow individuals and small business owners to quickly and easily create promotional materials.

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 782
From the homepage    3f87b13cOpera has today issued a pre-alpha release of Opera 10.5 offering increased support for CSS3 and HTML5 as well as vastly increased JavaScript performance and improvements to the browser’s user interface.

Based on Opera’s Presto 2.5 rendering engine, Opera 10.5 adds CSS3 Transitions and 2D Transforms to the long list of CSS3 properties already supported by the browser as well as increased support for CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders.

by MrMario - Comments: 1 - Views: 1038
From the homepage    Microsoft-bingThere are those who believe that Microsoft came up with the name Bing for its refreshed search engine after staring at the word "Bingo" for several days and then removing the last letter.

However, a small entity in St. Louis has decided that the name Bing was, is and always should be, theirs.

According to Ars Technica, Bing Information Design! has designs on some compensation from Microsoft, as it has used the...

by MrMario - Comments: 7 - Views: 1314
From the homepage    3f87b13cFollowing on from the W3C TPAC 2009, held back in November, CSS3 Selectors was officially advanced to Proposed Recommendation by the W3C Director earlier this week.

Although a number of CSS3 modules have now reached the Candidate Recommendation stage of development, CSS3 Selectors is the first CSS3 module to reach Proposed Recommendation. A Proposed Recommendation is a mature technical report that, after wide review for technical soundness and...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 802
From the homepage    Chrome_shiny_logo_270x267Google's browser has passed Safari in terms of worldwide browser usage--at least by one measurement.

NetApplications' measurements of browser usage share, which track which browsers individuals use based on visits to the company's network of Web sites, gave Chrome the third-place spot after No. 1 Internet Explorer and No. 2 Firefox for the week of December 6 through 12, according to a Computerworld story Tuesday. Chrome had 4.4...

by MrMario - Comments: 6 - Views: 815
From the homepage    7cca3da7The groups responsible for standardizing the language used to build Web sites have begun tackling technology to provide a direct interface to Webcams.

The World Wide Web Consortium has begun work on the HTML Device addition to the Hypertext Markup Language specification. "The device element represents a device selector, to allow the user to give the page access to a device, for example a video camera," according to a December 11 draft...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 846
From the homepage    Globe_by_Anti_Pati_yaGlobal Warming is a serious issue that is not getting enough awareness. We are destroying our world that we live in . There are alternatives, we can generate energy in other ways. The time has come to change and think ecologically, or your grandchildren won't know the meaning of green grass and fresh air. Confined indoors, with special breathing apparatus, projected LCD images of a perfect world, whilst outdoor toxins decay the earth...

by Jalokim - Comments: 4 - Views: 5650
From the homepage    Fennec_logoMozilla is wrapping up work on its first version of Firefox for mobile phones, an important step in bringing the second most popular PC browser to an area where a rival project holds more influence.

"Our goal is to have a release candidate next week," said Jay Sullivan, Mozilla's vice president of mobile. "If things go smoothly, we'll have a (final) version out in the next few weeks," with the debut planned for this year,...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 721
From the homepage    583af743

404! Error Pages once used to be seen as the most unwanted page that any visitor would like to see, and therefore designers did not give the required attention to them. But now we have started understanding the importance of keeping a visitor busy and navigating visitors back to our websites.

Below you will find a collection of many 404 pages designed with imagination and humour. Filled with weird ideas and messages.

by Jason - Comments: 4 - Views: 793
From the homepage    3f87b13cThe annual W3C Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee (TPAC) meetings week took place last month bringing together the CSS Working Group, amongst others, for a series of face to face meetings in Santa Clara, California. Minutes from the meeting have now been made available online and promise progress for a number of CSS3 modules including CSS3 Selectors, Multicolumn Layout, Transitions, Transforms and Animations.

by MrMario - Comments: 1 - Views: 809
From the homepage    72089ad6Web pages aren't getting any smaller, but there are usually not more than a few paragraphs or a couple of images of particular interest on any given page. Firefox add-ons ICyte (also available for IE), Wired-Marker, and Trails let you save all or sections of Web pages and share your snippets with others.

ICyte makes sharing easy
Most of the time, sharing Web content means sending someone a link via e-mail, chat, or phone....

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 2145
From the homepage    E97aa498MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--Google's first search engine let people search by typing text onto a Web page. Next came queries spoken over the phone. On Monday, Google announced the ability to perform an Internet search by submitting a photograph.

The experimental search-by-sight feature, called Google Goggles, has a database of billions of images that informs its analysis of what's been uploaded, said Vic Gundotra, Google's vice president of engineering....

by MrMario - Comments: 8 - Views: 874
From the homepage    344ac706Everyone loves an original and unique t-shirt.

Fashion statements aside, they do give a slight insight into your personality, your current mood and sets you apart from the crowd.

This article is not a collection of the best designed t-shirts by the best designers, this is a collection of t-shirts especially for designers and developers.

Those poor suffering souls that have to endure the pain and distress of the questions...

by MrMario - Comments: 8 - Views: 1380
From the homepage    A5000ab5Google, probably the most prominent advocate of moving traditional productivity software such as word processors online, acquired a small company called AppJet whose EtherPad service fits into that agenda.

AppJet announced the Google acquisition Friday. "The EtherPad team will continue its work on real-time collaboration by joining the Google Wave team," the site said.

AppJet offered free and premium versions of its service,...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 712

From the homepage    A45efabdLet's face it. Web developers are geeks. But that's okay! Who wants to be normal? As I always tell the children - "Geeks rule the world". The problem is that "normal" people don't know what to buy us for Christmas. That's why we always end up with "Photoshop 6 For Dummies"....

by MrMario - Comments: 6 - Views: 1043
From the homepage    Fecffe1f

Word from the LA Times is that Google plans to phase out its Gears plug-in in favor of HTML5 when it comes to augmenting browser abilities. The precise details of its enthusiasm for the plug-in aren't clear yet, but the general trajectory is no surprise.

Google, along with Mozilla, Opera, Apple, and some other allies, has been agitating for features that can make browsers and the Web into a more powerful foundation for Web sites and...

by Jason - Comments: 1 - Views: 734
From the homepage    Babbf619Microsoft has begun a campaign to actively urge users of its 8-year-old Internet Explorer 6 browser to upgrade.

After launching IE 8 in March, Micosoft has concurred with critics that IE 6 is outdated. Many people have dropped the older browser, but the remaining users are often the tough cases--those who don't have a choice because of corporate computing policy or who aren't tech-savvy enough to realize there's a reason to move on.

by MrMario - Comments: 13 - Views: 1025
From the homepage    C860b38dYou Might of heard of Xbox's Project Called Natal but do you really know what it is? Here are some FAQ of what its going to be like and a short video of what you might expect it to be. I was amazed when I first heard about it. It will be working for all Xbox 360 no matter which one you got. All you need it a Hard Drive to support it. Sorry if its not the normal news blogs I post I wanted to post something different and something that people always...

by MrMario - Comments: 9 - Views: 913
From the homepage    66579d91Apple’s iPhone is obviously a revolutionary device and there is no doubt about it. It completely changed the human perception about the cellphone.

It has been nearly two and a half years since the original iPhone was released and till now there hasn’t been any device released which can even be compared with iPhone. Even though Android devices are starting to attract the market, they mainly built upon what iPhone has already introduced....

by MrMario - Comments: 7 - Views: 773
From the homepage    72089ad6Yesterday morning, Mozilla released the fourth beta version of Firefox 3.6. Fixed over 140 bug fixes. This beta is introducing support for HTML5's local file handling API. 5's local file handling API.

This feature gives web apps the ability to access and handle local files selected by the user. A photo site that implements this feature can now work with images locally, for example. You don't have to upload your images to the site - instead, the...

by MrMario - Comments: 1 - Views: 754
From the homepage    93c00e58Designer speed most of their time figuring out what font/size they want for their site.

In order to help understand the importance of font, ask yourself, “What differences are there between the font and text of professional designs as opposed to low quality work”? Size

Is a direct variation to attention. As a rule of thumb, body text should never be over 16 pixels. Now, this may not be the case 100% of the...

by MrMario - Comments: 4 - Views: 757
From the homepage    72089ad6Last week, Microsoft showed off some browser technology that could help Internet Explorer leapfrog the competition. But if Mozilla succeeds in its hope, Microsoft could be playing catch-up instead.

The technology in question is hardware-accelerated graphics and text using interfaces called Direct2D and DirectWrite that provide an easy way to use graphics cards' computing power. They're built into Windows 7, and Microsoft is bringing them...

by MrMario - Comments: 4 - Views: 643
From the homepage    3ff528b0Adobe has announced that Photoshop Camera Raw 5.6, Lightroom 2.6 and DNG Converter 5.6 Release Candidates are available for immediate download on Adobe Labs. The term ‘release candidate’ means this update is well tested but would benefit from additional community testing to provide the highest quality experience for customers working on a variety of hardware and software configurations.

The updates...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 610
From the homepage    7cca3da7The World Wide Web Consortium has published a draft of an interface that browsers can use to manipulate files better, one of a series of steps aimed at gradually improving the sophistication and polish of Web site interfaces.

The draft File API (application programming interface) defines a number of ways that browsers and Web sites handle files better. One big part of it: being able to select multiple files for upload, such as on photo-sharing...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 848

From the homepage    73f0b111
First steps in designing a webpage in photoshop

Nowadays its far far easier to create a website than ever before. We have far more tools that make creating webpages a whole lot easier. For example Adobes dreamweaver and photoshop, and thier similar counterparts, have all extinguished the need to code in notepad. Though the geekier of...

by Jalokim - Comments: 2 - Views: 756
From the homepage    989a7e65Open source applications and tools are a great alternative for those on a budget. Many open source tools have comparable features to the expensive applications, and are also free. This makes it possible to have all the tools and applications without even spending any thing!


by Jason - Comments: 0 - Views: 683
From the homepage    989a7e651. Remember you have very little time on your hands

On average page visit is about 4 secounds. That doesn't give you enough time to give the impression on the user and give him the engaged with your site. This means that you have to be as precised as possible in explaining what the site is doing. If its takes the users a while to figure out what to do or what you are...

by MrMario - Comments: 4 - Views: 670
From the homepage    63529d25When it comes to inspiration then there is no limitation. Photography is one of the key sources of inspiration. Here we have photography of various forms for your pleasure. You don’t need any special skills for taking such shots.

*Pictures showcased are taken by various artists all pictures are linked to the author’s pages.*

by Jason - Comments: 10 - Views: 901
From the homepage    Fd5c43a5Yes this news is actually old, cos google released its first developers version of google chrome, which has extensions management.

Now its not so simple to get these extenstions. there are currently 3 version of google chrome 4,0 there is the normal public version a beta 4,0 and the recently launched developers 4,0 OOOh yeah. The extensions are a little bleek, but the most awesome ones are already made. For example: the gmail notifier, facebook...

by Jalokim - Comments: 0 - Views: 686
From the homepage    Fd5c43a5Well there has been a recent influx of chrome OS messages all over the net.

Google Chrome OS, or Chromium was supposed to be launched today! I don't know why it didn't sources are giving different reasons.

But instead of a new OS, there is a load more info about google OS.

Obviously I had to get the low down... So listen up.

Google have decided to take a totally new look on operating systems. They...

by Jalokim - Comments: 8 - Views: 843
From the homepage    0882ca7eCU3ER is a free, easy to set up, customizable via XML, Tailored to provide a unique look and feel, inspiring and fun to use.

CU3ER \kju:bər\

Is an image slider initially conceived to create 3D transitions between slides.

It is turned out to be a convenient and multifunction solution that can be applied in a range of website building areas, from content slider to feature slider and image...

by MrMario - Comments: 4 - Views: 904
From the homepage    Cd5e4fadMicrosoft today offered developers an early glimpse of Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) at their 2009 Professional Developers Conference.

Although only at an early stage of development, the IE9 team already looks to have made some impressive leaps forward in terms of web standards support, particularly with regard to CSS3 selectors which, by the looks of the image below (taken from the IE blog), IE9 appears to score an impressive 574 out of 578 in our...

by MrMario - Comments: 12 - Views: 1195
From the homepage    128fbe8fAdobe today released a public beta of AIR 2, available for download from their Adobe Labs website, with the final release expected somewhere in the first half of 2010.

Adobe AIR 2 offers a number of improvements and advantages over its predecessor, including advanced support for CSS3 & HTML5 thanks to an updated version of the Webkit browser engine – in fact the same version as used to power Safari 4.0.3. This means developers can now...

by MrMario - Comments: 1 - Views: 721
From the homepage    128fbe8fAdobe Labs on Monday released test versions of two closely related foundations for Net-based applications, Flash Player 10.1 and AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) 2.

Flash is widely used to bring streaming video, interactive graphics, and games to browsers; AIR, with Flash built in, is a foundation for other desktop applications. Both are instrumental to Adobe's effort to stay ahead of the gradually broadening feature set of HTML and related Web...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 602
From the homepage    020e419eThe highly-anticipated Nokia E72, a device tailor-made for business and personal messaging is now available in stores. To coincide with the arrival of the Nokia E72, Nokia has also released research* revealing that more people rely on email than on traditional phone calls or text messaging when sending and responding to critical information.

Speaking about the research results, Nokia vice president Ukko Lappalainen said, “The research shows...

by MrMario - Comments: 1 - Views: 549
From the homepage    42c566c1I stumbled upon, my favorite mobile news site: dailymobile.se
a few days back... there was an article about apples iphone with robot control via the iphone...

pretty amazing I thought ... then todays article also on dalymobile.se states that with your s60v5 phone you can control the lighting of your home.

Here are the 2 videos... worth a look.

by Jalokim - Comments: 0 - Views: 799
From the homepage    6e032932Windows Mobile lost 28 percent of its smartphone market share between the third quarter of 2008 and the third quarter of 2009, according to analysis from Gartner.

According to figures released by Gartner on Thursday, Microsoft's mobile operating system had 11 percent of the global smartphone market in Q3 2008.

A year later, it had 7.9 percent of the market, while the iPhone's share had risen from 12.9 percent to 17.1...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 467
From the homepage    Cd5e4fadI had a laugh at this so I thought I would share it with you guys. Give me comments of what you think.

During a minute-long video, Parton says she "wouldn't know a gigabyte from a snake bite. But the folks over at Microsoft sure know their computers." She goes on to say Microsoft checked out her "new" Web site and "turned us on to a little thing they call Web Slices."

According to a Microsoft representative, the software giant showed...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 490
From the homepage    917bae58Yeah we are back with a friday bonanza bash.... WOOOOOOOH This week 2, you hear that? 2 free html pages for you to use and abuse to your liking!

I said I'd prepare a surprise for you folks and this is it. This is your early Christmas present.

Straight from the glistening meadows of scotland, a member we all know Placehold aka Craig Reville has donated his planeteer HTML for free...

by Jalokim - Comments: 9 - Views: 1692
From the homepage    4a88ba82Google, ever eager to renovate the computing industry for the benefit of the Web and its own business, is working to link two nascent but potentially significant projects, its experimental Go programming language and its Chrome Web browser.

Specifically, the company is building a foundation to let programs written in Go run directly within a Web browser endowed with Google's Native Client software. Native Client is designed to let browser-based...

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 523
From the homepage    37430806Several new tools will be coming to developers who build apps for the BlackBerry platform. Research In Motion (RIM) announced many additons to its BlackBerry toolset at the BlackBerry Developer Conference this week. A major announcment was the expanded partnership between Adobe and RIM. Adobe's Creative Suite 5 (CS5), rumored to release in April, is going to have new development tools for BlackBerry applications.

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 788
From the homepage    F5e51909Well this is old news but I thought it was still worth posting as some people might not know.

Adobe has released an early public beta of Lightroom 3 on Labs.Adobe.com. It should be noted this is an early beta and in no way feature complete. Below is the Adobe Press Release.

New Lightroom beta delivers faster performance, refined image processing and streamlined publishing

SAN JOSE, Calif....

by MrMario - Comments: 0 - Views: 474
From the homepage    F3d0c733FNow now, before we all go mad with iphones brushes technology, I'd like to remind everybody of a small free symbian software that is called XpressSketch.

XpressSketch does exactly the same as brushes but on symbian s60v5 phones.

As seen in the film below, XpressSketch does a dang good job of creating art on your mobile smartphone. I persoanlly downloaded the software and I actually sat and drew a couple pictures with it. The technology...

by Jalokim - Comments: 2 - Views: 689

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